Educational Trainings

Advanced training programmes
Advance Training courses for UG & PG students, researchers and for the employees of R & D institutions/Pharmaceutical Industry/ Government Laboratories etc.
MFP PARC is also engaged in knowledge development, Quality Testing & Research activity in Herbal Medicine. We have Excellence Quality Testing & Research facility with precision & advance equipment support, named “Vindhya Herbal Quality Testing & Research Laboratory”. Under this programme the institute conducts different kinds of training of short duration in various disciplines (listed below) against payment. The courses comprise both lectures and practicals by our eminent scientists with emphasis on practical R & D aspects in a particular discipline. By organizing training program MFPPARC is engaged in knowledge and skill up gradation of trainee students. Theirby campaigning skill India program of union government.
MFP PARC is also engaged in knowledge development, Quality Testing & Research activity in Herbal Medicine. We have Excellence Quality Testing & Research facility with precision & advance equipment support, named “Vindhya Herbal Quality Testing & Research Laboratory”. Under this programme the institute conducts different kinds of training of short duration in various disciplines (listed below) against payment. The courses comprise both lectures and practicals by our eminent scientists with emphasis on practical R & D aspects in a particular discipline. By organizing training program MFPPARC is engaged in knowledge and skill up gradation of trainee students. Theirby campaigning skill India program of union government.
Key Working Area of Vindhya Herbal Quality Testing & Research Laboratory.
- Developing Technology for Processing of MAP
- Spreading awareness about MAP
- Facilitating Marketing of Minor Forest Produce
- Microbial Quality Testing of Water/Soil/Food Products & Herbal Drugs.
- Physico-chemical Parameter Analysis Water/Soil/Food Products & Drugs.
- Fatty Acid, Essential Oil Quality Testing
- Heavy Metal Testing of Water & Herbal Drugs.
- Pesticides Residue Testing
- Pharmacognostical Parameters Testing
- Quality Testing of Commodities Product
- Quality Analysis of Agricultural Product & Fertilizers.
Categories of Trainees
- Trainees from universities/College/industries.
- Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research Scholars.
- Training in biological science, medicinal chemistry, herbal drug production, advance analytical instrumentation.
Monitoring of Training programme & Certificate Distribution
In order to improve this programme a feedback form will be provided to all trainees/ participants before they complete the training and will be collected back on same day. About one week before they will be given a certificate format to complete and return to the training cell so that certificate can be prepared in time and given them at appropriate time. Certificate to only those trainees will be given, who would complete their training/project work successfully and have attendance of at least 75% in a whole training program.